Component types

Components are internally defined using DSL for component specification. Currently this DSL is not exposed to end users but we have plan to do so in the future to support specification of additional components that are not provided by pyFlies. We must assert that making non-standard components will make experiment specification non-portable across different target generators but it could be invaluable in the situations where non-standard components are required and portability is not an issue.

This page is generated on 2020-10-29 14:51:41 from component descriptions during build so what is documented here is what pyFlies actually uses:


// Base abstract components that define common properties

abstract component visual
The definition of parameters used by all visual stimuli
    param position:point = (0, 0)
    The position of the component. By default center of the screen.

    param size:[symbol, int] = 20
    The size of the component. May be given in descriptive way or as a
    size in the coordinate space.

    param color:[symbol, color] = #ffffff
    This color is used for border of the component. Default is white.

    param fillColor:[symbol, color] = #ffffff
    This color is used to fill the interior of the visual component.
    Default is white.

abstract component audible
This is an abstract component that should be inherited by all components
that play sounds.

abstract component input
This is an abstract component that should be inherited by all components
that accepts input from the subject.


component cross extends visual
Usually used as a fixation point


component circle extends visual
Visual stimuli in the shape of a circle.
    param radius:int = 20
    The radius of the circle.


component text extends visual
A component for displaying text
    param content: string = 'default text'
    A mandatory content for display


component line extends visual
Visual stimuli representing line between two points
    param from:[symbol, point] = (-50, 0)
    The start point of the line shape

    param to:[symbol, point] = (50, 0)
    The end point of the line shape


component rectangle extends visual
Visual stimuli in the form of rectangle
    param size:[symbol, point] = (20, 20)
    Override `size` to be of point type representing width and height.
    0 for height means 'keep aspect ratio'.


component image extends visual
A component that displays image loaded from file
    param file: string = 'default path'
    A file path relative to the model file.

    param ori: int = 0
    Orijentation in degrees.


component audio extends audible
Plays audio loaded from the given file
    param file: string = 'default path'
    The file to load audio from


component sound extends audible
Plays sound of the given frequency
   param freq: int = 500 
   The frequency of the sound


component keyboard extends input
Component for implementing keyboard input
    param valid:[symbol, list] = space
    What is considered a valid keystroke in the trial.
    Can be a list of valid keys.

    param correct:[symbol, list] = space
    What is a correct response for this trial.
    Can be a single key or a list of keys.
    If this parameter is provided, must be found in valid list of keys.
    If not given any key from the list of valid keys is considered correct.


component mouse extends input
Component for implementing mouse input
    param target:[symbol, list] = none
    A component name or a list of component names which represents valid targets.
    If target is none than any click is valid.