Timing specification

Timing information can be specified in the following places:

  • Showing a screen for a given duration:

    show Introduction for 10000
  • Displaying a component during the test run for a given duration:

    cross() for 1000
  • Defining when the component should be shown. For this we use component timing expression which is specified before the component. For example:

    at .+200 rectangle()

    This is the general form of the timing expression:

    at <target:><.><+ or -><miliseconds>


    • target: - is the name of the component this expression is relative to. If not given, timing expression is relative to the previous component.
    • . means relative to the start of the target component. If not given time is relative to the end of the previous component.
    • + or - - specified time is relative and is added or subtracted from the target time.
    • <miliseconds> - a number of miliseconds

    If timing expression is not given for the component, by default it is:

      at .

    which means start at the same time as the previous component.


      at 200 cross()           --  show cross 200ms after the phase begins (this is absolute time)
      at .-100 cross()         -- show cross 100ms before the start of the previous component
      at +100 cross()          -- show cross 100ms after the finish of the previous component
      at myrec:.+100 cross()   -- show cross 100ms after the start of the myrec component
      at myrec:+100 cross()    -- show cross 100ms after the finish of the myrec component
      at myrec:-100 cross()    -- show cross 100ms before the finish of the myrec component